KOBO BENCH for Ishinomaki Laboratory by Karimoku
Design: 芦沢啓治
Client: カリモク
Photo: 小川真輝
KOBO TABLEと組み合わせて、ちょっとしたスペースに置ける小ぶりなベンチです。小さくても存在感があり、素朴ながら愛着のもてるアウトドア家具を目指してつくられました。ベランダやバルコニーの休憩スペースとして、庭のベンチや花台として、または玄関やポーチに置いて少し腰かけるなど、気軽に使うことができます。
Design: Keiji Ashizawa
Client: Karimoku
Photo: Masaki Ogawa
Together with the KOBO TABLE, the KOBO BENCH is designed for use in tight spaces. Though compact, it has a distinct presence, and is destined to become a long-time favorite for outdoor use. With it, one can create a place for relaxation on the veranda, use it in the garden for seating or as a stand, or at the entrance to one’s home – its uses are wide and varied.
Taking indoor use of the bench into greater consideration, the version by Karimoku emphasizes an even greater simplicity in its structure.