ISHINOMAKI STOOL for Ishinomaki Laboratory by Karimoku
Design: 芦沢啓治
Client: カリモク
Photo: 小川真輝
ISHINOMAKI STOOLは、仮設住宅の住民や小学生たちと一緒に家具をつくるという、ハーマンミラー社のワークショップのために設計されました。デザインするにあたり、石巻工房のメンバーは仮設住宅の現状をリサーチし、天袋(押入れの上にある棚)に荷物を入れる際の踏み台、玄関で靴を履く時の椅子としてビールケースを使うことが少なからずある事がわかりました。この結果を踏まえて、コンパクトで軽いスツールをつくることになりました。
Design: Keiji Ashizawa
Client: Karimoku
Photo: Masaki Ogawa
The ISHINOMAKI STOOL was specially designed at a series of furniture-making workshops in collaboration with Herman Miller for primary school students and locals in temporary housing. Members from Ishinomaki Lab conducted site observations in the area and found that locals were often using plastic cases made for storing beer bottles as stools. There was an evident need for a step stool to access storage in high-up places and a chair for putting on shoes near the house entrance. Thus, this compact and lightweight stool was created.
Karimoku’s version of this stool consists of slimmer parts while keeping to the design’s original aesthetic.