Design: 芦沢啓治/super robot
Client: N/A
FLAT PACKING SYSTEM 鉄は軟かい素材である。DXFデーターで書かれた図面は工場にてCADCAMに変換されレーザー加工機に送られる。薄板金属板に(1.0ミリから2.3ミリ)レーザー加工機によって線、点線、丸穴、長穴、楕円が図面どおりに描かれていく。
点線を入れた部品は、簡単に手で曲げること出来、円形に穴をあけた部品は緩やかなカーブを描き曲げることが可能だ。わずか2ミリから5ミリでつながったジョイント部分、手で曲げられる部分を私たちはLIVE HINDIと呼び、何上に曲げられた部品は、限界の角度を設ければ丁番のような働きを持たせることも可能なようだ。また単純曲げに限らずねじることも出来る。直角曲げ、R曲げ、ねじり曲げが可能なLIVE HINDIと、機械加工の精度をいかしたシステムをFLAT PACKING SYSTEM、(FPS)出来あがった家具を総称でFLAT PACKING FURNITURE(FPF)と呼んでいる。
Design: Keiji Ashizawa/super robot
Client: N/A
A shelf made with a combination of bent steel plates that you can assemble by yourself. The production process is quite simple. We cut, drill, or perforate a thin sheet of steel, 1.6 mm thick, with a laser.
At first, we were surprised at how easily a sheet of steel could be bent along a perforated line, just like Origami, the traditional Japanese paper craft. We began to think of the perforated line when bent as a ‘live hinge’.
We have confirmed that if it’s not bent repeatedly, the live hinge performs with sufficient strength. By attaching the parts together made out of the same sheet of aluminium rivets. Most FPS use steel sheet of 919 mm 1829 mm, which is the most common size one can buy. The perforated steel sheet is a fun-to-see object in itself. One would enjoy its ornamental quality even before it is transformed into a product.
What we have found in FPS is a process of design which begins by scrutinising the properties of a material, and the technology it requires to take advantage of such properties. We are expecting that this process would result in many different adaptations.
The idea of flat packing was established by super robot in 2002.